Friday, January 11, 2008

Sylph versus Crab

...; they thought I was like them, that I was a man, and I deceived them. I suddenly lost the appearance of a man and they saw a crab running backwards out of this human room. Now the unmasked intruder has fled: the show goes on.

I turn back, lean both hands on the balustrade. The true sea is cold and black, full of animals; it crawls under this thin green film made to deceive human beings. The sylphs all round me have let themselves be taken in: they only see the thin film, which proves the existence of god. I see beneath it! The veneer melts, the shining velvety scales, the scales of God's catch explode everywhere at my look, they split and gape.

A house offers me its black heart through open windows;

Things are divorced from their names.


1 comment:

Belmondo Cafe said...

The first paragraph reminds me of Theatre class; next week I must embody a desert for three minutes and receive 25% of my grade.

Sylphs are toothsome.

In this case, nausea, was very pleasurable.