Monday, February 18, 2008

Archangels Don't Play Pinball

"The night is like a giant umbrella full of holes.
Someone's shot it full of drops of lime.
Like a giant pinball game constructed for King-Kong,
The moon is like a flashing 'Replay' sign.
And my city's like a giant pinball too.
The girls are flipper buttons there to press.
Easy does it, or they'll go into a tilt.
Steady there 'cos this game needs finesse."

I have found a musical saviour in Zappa,
I have found satire in Dario Fo,
I have yet to find victuals for my poor stomach.
Untimely hunger born at 3am, dead at four, and resurrected at five. These odd hours of the morn I dwell, for I am working now as we speak; all the while omar rodriguez-lopez jams away to a salsa beat in the background, drowned in muffled alien sounds.

I envisioned the avanguardista, I envisioned Mussolini and I sought finely cut linen clothing.
I need to revist some Frederico Fellini pictures, over my week-long break.

Tonight I was somewhat intrigued enough to view some Pink Floyd jams from swinging London in 66, a generation obssessed with sex and musical experimentation. I was impressed and I will probably do as our contemporaries do when confronted by something precious, download it in a rage and forget about it in an ironically named folder. (reference to older post: the infamous "hot off the frying pan") Eitherway, I have so much Zappa to go through that I should probably refrain from any further indulgent downloading before I have fully absorbed the new avalanche of music hot on my ears.

Previous to this I was going to watch the "Cabinet of Dr. Caligari", a picture from the year 1920! ... I decided against it though, for some reason silent movies do not appeal to me as much?! Apparently there is an american remake of the german original, released in 2005. Elitism equips me with self-righteous, indignant, pessimism against such remakes.

Let me finish this post off, as 'Good Girl/Carrots' - Panda Bear, plays softly in the background, with another excerpt from Dario: (this one's a keeper!)

FIRST SWEEPER: Alright... But what's this yoga got to do with being a roadsweeper?

SECOND SWEEPER: It's got a lot to do with it... Basically, it's the same principle. What can be more suitable than a roadsweeper's life, in order to suppress within us that baggage of arrogance, pride and ambition which prevents us from stripping ourselves of pointless vanities, and going forward, naked but happy, to attain the bliss and ecstasy of the platonic world of ideas?


Belmondo Cafe said...

Ah, nothing like elitist banter after a choppy and incongruent visitation to Ottawa et Montreal. The dissonance raged, much like your passionate yet brief downloading fixes.
Solid narcissisms overall.

Haoma said...

Mehran which Dario FO is this from?

Kowalski said...

"one was nude and one wore tails"
is where i got the second excerpt
and the first is from : archangels don't play pinball